
These days there is just too much noise! Too many ‘me too’ vendors as well as agencies. We want to be different. We want to share with you as much as we can about the technology vendors and partners we work with in hope to inspire you to do more!

Too much knowledge and information these days is locked away and only available to you if you have budget. We don’t work like that at IMCG. We want to share the knowledge, help encourage and promote awareness, harness adoption (push innovation) and drive the vendors harder to build better integrations, for you!

If you have ever wanted to learn how to do discover, build and deploy a simple or indeed complex use case, you will find the answers here! If you have ever wanted to understand how to get the most out of your tag manager or wanted to know how to instrument your web site to aide personalised marketing initiatives based around segment audiences, again you will find the answers here. We now have our own CDP too which allows you to try out a CDP and the potential value it will bring your organisation without the risk of a hefty investment with a ‘promise’ around potential returns. We will work with you on assessing data maturity, use case design, implementation, measurement around implemented use cases and continue to work hard to ensure you see continued success with a Customer Data platform.

Iain Murphy, Founder and Managing Director of IMCG

Our Services

Providing services from inspirational use case discovery to implementation, Consulting engagements, Training services (remote and onsite) or even Support services, we have you covered! IMCG is certified in each and every vendor we partner with, so you can be sure the person on the end of the phone or email, is a trusted advisor who is experienced, certified and will get the job done!

  • Inspiration awaits! Here you will find use cases we build, develop and implement for our customers. We are building them out by industry to help make it easier to find something which suits everyone. If you would like to discuss any of the use cases in more detail, please get in touch.

  • Engagement packages available to design and implement use cases to help drive and deliver success for your business! From vendor selection to implementation and optimisation - a great partnership is waiting to be discovered!

  • We want to make it possible for everyone to know to be successful, together! Learn the skills which can take many years to master.

    Please get in touch to discuss your requirements further.

  • We understand it can be frustrating when you have built something that doesn’t seem to work as expected. Our certified and experienced engineers are available to assist and help you understand how and why something isn’t working, so you can move forward!

    Please get in touch to discuss your requirements further.