How to get your visitors to consume more?

Hint, you don’t need to curate more content - you can just recycle your existing articles!

You already have a ton of content on your web site. The problem is, much of that content is not being consumed by the people you want to see it! Editors have spent hours curating content, relevant for various topics or themes and yet despite all the marketing efforts, customers and/or your visitors are just not seeing or consuming the content. Which is super frustrating!

Content Affinity is a term used in the context of customer data platforms (CDPs) to refer to the level of interest or engagement that a customer has with a particular type of content. Content affinity is determined by analysing customer data, such as their browsing history on your web site, purchase history (on and offline) as well as other behaviours, to understand which types of content are most interesting and relevant to each individual customer.

By analysing content affinity, marketers can gain insights into which types of content are most effective in engaging their target audience, and use this information to create more personalised and relevant marketing campaigns. For example, if a customer has a high content affinity for video content, a marketer might create more video-based marketing campaigns to target that individual.

Selected CDPs have the ability to leverage Content Affinity with data science models and personalisation, which enables businesses to leverage already curated content to better target individuals who have expressed interest in some areas but not seen content which is believed to be relevant for that individual. By integrating content affinity with personalisation, you have an [almost] endless amount of fresh new content to always show your visitors! Keeping them engaged, keep them coming back and helping them to remain loyal.

Ask us about how you can leverage content affinity in personalised newsletters, to always ensure your subscribers get fresh new content to consume and come back for!