Growing your audience inside your customer data platform (CDP) can be a multi-faceted process that requires a combination of strategies. We have broken a few of these areas down to our top 6 that we follow and recommend in the hope they will help you too.

Here are some effective ways to grow your audiences inside your CDP

  • Capture comprehensive data

    Ensure that you are capturing comprehensive data about your customers, including their behaviors, preferences, and interactions across multiple channels. This will give you a complete picture of your customers and enable you to target them effectively.

  • Use segmentation

    Segment your audience based on their behavior and demographics. This will allow you to send relevant messages and offers to different groups of customers, which can increase engagement and loyalty.

  • Personalise content

    Use the data in your CDP to personalise your messaging, offers, and content. Personalisation can help you build a stronger relationship with your customers and increase engagement.

  • Leverage omnichannel marketing

    Use your CDP to orchestrate omnichannel marketing campaigns that deliver a consistent message across multiple channels. This can help you reach your customers wherever they are and increase the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

  • Experiment with new channels

    Experiment with new channels and strategies, such as social media, influencers, or referral programs. Test and measure the results to see which channels and strategies work best for your business.

  • Continuously analyse and optimise

    Continuously analyse the data in your CDP to identify trends and patterns. Use this information to optimise your campaigns and improve your marketing strategies.

Everything starts with audiences. Once you have a detailed data set of visitor insight (both known and unknown), you can target for personalisation, display advertising, email, social, EPOS and more!
— Iain Murphy, Founder and CEO